Altazor School presents its “school to school” exchanges, also called sister school exchanges, which are direct relationships between our school and a school in New Zealand where students have the opportunity to spend time studying in the partner school. The host school is responsible for pastoral care while students are on exchange.
Altazor School counts with some schools which have received students in a cultural program for a semester approximately.
During the years our students have visited the country, have made friends and have increased their level of English in an immersion program at NZ schools.
Pompallier Catholic College
- The College was founded in 1971 after fund-raising among Northland Parishes. It started as a private Boys’ Boarding School. The College is owned by the Auckland Catholic Diocese and had the Society of Mary (Marist Fathers and Brothers) as its foundation staff.
- Located in Whangarei – New Zealand’s northernmost city and the main centre within the Northland region. Pompallier Catholic College is in Maunu, ten minutes from the town centre.
Kaitaia College
- Situated in the very Far North of New Zealand, the school is a decile two co-educational school. «Kaitaia College has provided education for Year 9 to 13 students for over 90 years. More than 70 per cent of its students are Māori.
Mount Maunganui College
- Mount Maunganui College is a modern co-educational high school with a total roll of 1500. The school hosts about 60 international students from all parts of the world including, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Switzerland, Thailand and USA.
Bases de postulación (PDF)
Carta compromiso estudiante (PDF)
- El programa es dirigido para alumnos de primaria y secundaria de edades entre 11 y 17 años. Se lleva a cabo en diversos centros simultáneamente, dando la oportunidad de que los alumnos desarrollen diferentes perspectivas, pero con un mismo objetivo en común.
Pompallier Catholic College
- El colegio Pompallier Catholic College no tiene por el momento oportunidades de intercambio, pero sí ofrece ser parte del colegio como un alumno internacional. Pompallier Catholic College, no cuenta con estudiantes de Latino America y estudiantes de Chile llevarían la cultura del país a New Zealand.
- La información del colegio y costos se encuentran en los adjuntos , así como el formulario de postulación.